How China’s ‘Bat Woman’ Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus
Wuhan-based virologist Shi Zhengli has identified dozens of deadly SARS-like viruses in bat caves, and she warns there are more out there
Jane Qiu is an award-winning science writer based in Beijing.
Wuhan-based virologist Shi Zhengli has identified dozens of deadly SARS-like viruses in bat caves, and she warns there are more out there
Scientists are rushing to estimate the proportion of people with mild or no symptoms who could be spreading the pathogen
Fracturing of Himalayan glaciers could make them melt faster, threatening the water supply for more than a billion people in Asia
But Beijing is often sidelined in international collaboration, and U.S. laws against collaboration slow efforts down
The massive East Antarctic Ice Sheet looks stable from above—but it’s a dangerously different story below
Scientists thought people first set foot on the frozen Tibetan Plateau 15,000 years ago. New genomic analyses suggest multiplying that figure as much as fourfold
Two species of distantly related panda may have adapted to a bamboo-centric diet in similar genetic ways
Converging genetic and archaeological evidence hints that early migrants clung to the frigid, oxygen-starved “roof of the world” through the worst the climate could throw at them...
An atmospheric mechanism is lofting Indian and Chinese pollution into the stratosphere
The iconic animal’s status change by an influential conservation organization triggers controversy in China
Climate change could be to blame for Tibetan tragedy
Flood risk rises as new hydroelectric power projects move upstream to meet rising demand
Fossil finds in China are challenging ideas about the evolution of modern humans and our closest relatives
Crustaceans at 10,000 meters contain higher concentrations of chemicals than some animals in coastal waters
A glaciologist doesn’t let a heart transplant keep him from braving dizzying altitudes to gather crucial ice core samples from retreating tropical and subtropical glaciers
A year after a devastating earthquake triggered killer avalanches and rock falls in Nepal, scientists are wiring up mountainsides to forecast hazards
New evidence suggests the ancient trade route ventured through the heights of Tibet
A geologist working at the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development in Kathmandu talks about the aftermath of the magnitude 7.8 event near that city
Pollutants from south Asia cook stoves and fires apparently waft over even the world's highest mountain range, counter to previous assumptions
Why are plateau and mountain timberlines in Asia shifting downslope, despite global warming?
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