Is Time Travel Possible?
The laws of physics allow time travel. So why haven’t people become chronological hoppers?
The laws of physics allow time travel. So why haven’t people become chronological hoppers?
Using machine learning, researchers have now created a much sharper portrait of the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy M87
Scientists may have spotted two pairs of merging dwarf galaxies, each pair with a duo of soon-to-collide black holes
A lab-made black hole is beyond current technology but could be possible one day
The way we teach quantum theory conveys a spookiness that isn’t actually there
These merging supermassive black holes are among the closest ever observed and could help unlock deeper secrets of cosmic history
The IceCube observatory has detected neutrinos from an active galaxy for the first time, revealing clues about how supermassive black holes gobble matter
A river’s “gut” revived, snake-saving social media, an intragalactic donut, and more success stories of the year
The Ads/CFT duality conjecture suggests our universe is a hologram, enabling significant discoveries in the 25 years since it was first proposed
The death of a massive star far across the universe affected lightning on our planet and could teach us about the Milky Way
The first image of the behemoth at the center of our galaxy opens new avenues for understanding the nature of black holes
New insights from black hole research may elucidate the cosmological event horizon
Mysterious “islands” help to explain what happens to information that falls into a black hole
Quantum entanglement and spacetime wormholes helped to solve a long-standing quandary
We do not have a theory to tell us everything about how a black hole works, but new research is shedding a least some light on one of their many mysteries.
Black holes, wormholes, entanglement, Einstein, mysterious islands and new science that sees how the inside of a black hole is secretly on the outside.
Recent theoretical and observational results have revealed new secrets about these shadowy objects, with deep implications for more than just black holes themselves
These fun stories show progress from the scale of quantum effects to that of snakes and from Earth to the edge of the universe
It took hundreds of researchers and many telescopes to capture an image of the black hole at the middle of our Milky Way.
It took hundreds of researchers and many telescopes to capture an image of the black hole at the middle of our Milky Way.
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