JWST’s Exoplanet Images Are Just the Beginning of Astrobiology’s Future
Hints of life on distant worlds will come from signals pioneered by NASA’s jumbo space telescope
Hints of life on distant worlds will come from signals pioneered by NASA’s jumbo space telescope
For centuries, scientific discoveries have suggested humanity occupies no privileged place in the universe. Now, however, studies of worlds beyond our solar system could place meaningful new limits on our existential mediocrity...
The hunt for Martian life focuses on detecting organic molecules that could indicate its past existence. Are our instruments up to the task?
Do efforts to create life—by cooking up imitations in computers, robots and molecules—point toward a universal definition of biology?
Collisions between moons and planets may be a regular danger for possible extraterrestrial life
Science might be redefining what “life out there” really means.
By shunting pilot observations aside, the Pentagon likely fostered a UFO fad and overlooked Chinese intelligence technology entering U.S. airspace
A new European mission is the first of two spacecraft—with the other coming from NASA—that will hunt for signs of habitability on Jupiter’s icy moons
New dedicated observatories and crowdsourced smartphone apps will study strange sightings in the sky. But questionable data quality and a lack of shared research standards remain key challenges...
SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, is deploying machine-learning algorithms that filter out earthly interference and spot signals humans might miss
The James Webb Space Telescope is opening an exciting new chapter in the study of exoplanets and the search for life beyond Earth
Scientists are abandoning conventional thinking to search for extraterrestrial creatures that bear little resemblance to Earthlings
A new study suggests that billions of years ago microbes may have thrived on Mars before succumbing to freezing temperatures of their own making
No life on the moon; safe gas at home
NASA’s Perseverance rover has collected four rock samples from an ancient river delta where organisms might have thrived
Drake’s curiosity and ambition turned the search for extraterrestrial intelligence into the scientific venture it is today
Remembering Frank Drake, who led science in listening for an extraterrestrial “whisper we can’t quite hear”
“Decolonizing” the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) could boost its chances of success, says science historian Rebecca Charbonneau
Although modest in scope, a NASA research project reflects shifting attitudes toward the formerly taboo subject of UFOs
Organisms on Earth produce a wide array of durable “biofluorescent” materials. If those on other planets do, too, the Compact Color Biofinder should be able to detect them
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