How Much Does ‘Nothing’ Weigh?
The Archimedes experiment will weigh the void of empty space to help solve a big cosmic puzzle
The Archimedes experiment will weigh the void of empty space to help solve a big cosmic puzzle
An unusual semiconductor is making physicists rethink the science of extreme conditions
New research attempts to discern how bizarre particles of strange matter form in the nuclei of atoms
Researchers have replicated the classic double-slit experiment using lasers. But their slits are in time, not space
The strange phenomenon of quantum tunneling has been observed in a chemical reaction that defies classical physics
A first-of-its-kind probe brings physicists one step closer to solving the proton radius puzzle
By using one of the most complicated and powerful machines on the planet, scientists have found a way to glimpse back to the very beginning of time itself.
A lab-made black hole is beyond current technology but could be possible one day
The way we teach quantum theory conveys a spookiness that isn’t actually there
The strong force holds our atoms together. Scientists may have observed its small-scale fluctuations for the first time
A newly discovered interaction related to quantum entanglement between dissimilar particles opens a new window into the nuclei of atoms
A discrepancy in the measurement of a type of particle decay had raised hopes of new physics
The Ads/CFT duality conjecture suggests our universe is a hologram, enabling significant discoveries in the 25 years since it was first proposed
A new proposal seeks to solve the paradox of quantum spin
Several physics measurements suggest that novel particles and forces exist in the universe
Gargantuan lasers induce a fusion reaction to test the U.S. nuclear stockpile
Over 10 days, researchers participating in the once-a-decade “Snowmass process” attempted to build a unified scientific vision for the future of particle physics
The LEGEND-200 detector could help explain why matter dominates the known universe
Protons, muons, neutrinos and other particles are moving beyond the realm of physics to help in a myriad of ways
Science in meter and verse
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