From Farming to Fitness Trackers: 4–H National Youth Science Day
More than 100,000 students around the country were expected to explore Incredible Wearables in the program's exciting 10th year.
More than 100,000 students around the country were expected to explore Incredible Wearables in the program's exciting 10th year.
Learning how to balance strategy, practice, programming and teamwork at robotics camp
The tools we build to explore our deep oceans might one day explore ocean world across the solar system. A new observatory called ABISS that can transmit video and long-term chemical measurements at broadband speeds from the seafloor using a system of flashing lights instead of a traditional tether...
Charging your phone wirelessly all day long may not be far off
After being contacted by ProPublica, Facebook removed several anti-Semitic ad categories and promised to improve monitoring
Addressing the amount of energy consumed by the CPU when running particular software could make a major difference to how long we need to charge our devices in future
Your phone itself is extremely secure, but that alone can't protect your data
Webmail is convenient for advertisers but carries with it unnecessary–and serious–danger
Electronic devices that decompose on schedule will be a boon to security tech and medical implants
VR World is a virtual reality theme park that presents curated video games and 360-degree artistic cultural experiences in order to help the public overcome some of the barriers that have prevented mass adoption...
Rising computerization opens doors for increasingly aggressive adversaries, but defenses are better than many might think
Former Congressman Rick Boucher talks about how Congress and electric power lines could break the federal government’s net neutrality deadlock
Some of the most talented and dangerous cybercrooks and cyberwarriors come from Russia, a longtime meddler in other countries’ affairs
The products that really wow us seem like pure wizardry
Even if they can exchange their ransom, the criminals will have a hard time accessing their money anonymously
A new device promises to tell police when a driver has been sending messages while behind the wheel, but is it legal? Larry Greenemeier reports.
Humans are increasingly entrusting our security, health and safety to “black box” intelligent machines
Rather than each carrying its own “brain,” they could share a single, remote one
LED flickering is even more pronounced than that of fluorescent lighting
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