Climate Change Is Fueling a Public Health Crisis. Doctors Need to Address This
It’s time for doctors to recognize the growing effects of climate change on people’s health
It’s time for doctors to recognize the growing effects of climate change on people’s health
When people argue, a kind of frustration called persuasion fatigue can cloud their judgment and harm relationships
Global trade rules are extending the COVID pandemic
Mientras los líderes mundiales regresan de COP27 y se preparan para otras reuniones deben escuchar a los pueblos nativos y los planes que estos ponen sobre la mesa para detener la extracción de la Amazonia...
As world leaders return home from COP27 and prepare for other meetings, they must listen to Indigenous peoples and the plans they bring to the table to quell extraction from the Amazon
Women are leading the climate revolution. At COP27, speakers should cede time to hear what they have to say
Science applies to every important social issue. Saying so doesn’t make us “unscientific”
Hospitals and health care workers are making voter engagement a part of whole-person health care
Pundits are weaponizing disgust to fuel violence, and it’s affecting our humanity
Learning how to adapt to global warming will save lives and economies, yet most of the funding for climate change in Africa goes to outside research on mitigation
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