Pig Poop Fouls North Carolina Streams
Streams near large pig farms have high levels of harmful bacteria from animal feces
Streams near large pig farms have high levels of harmful bacteria from animal feces
Residents of the island nation are pursuing a range of work to fortify their homeland
A reexamination of museum mastodon specimens provides evidence that that last ones were gone from what's called the Beringia region well before any humans showed up. Emily Schwing reports
Life thrives even deep inside Earth and scientists are beginning to suspect extensive connections among those underground environments. David Biello reports
The number of imperiled wolves found only in the American Southwest climbed to 109 in 2014, marking the fourth consecutive year that the population of Mexican gray wolves has risen by at least 10 percent...
The Arctic is changing fast
The world's oceans are clogged with the equivalent of five grocery bags full of plastic trash on every 30 centimeters of every nation's coastline around the globe
For thousands of years a thin bridge of sand and rock connected mainland India with the island of Sri Lanka. The 30-kilometer stretch known as Rama's (or Adam's) Bridge disappeared centuries ago—probably after a cyclone in the year A.D...
One of the most recently discovered lemur species of Madagascar could also be one of the first to disappear. The striking blue-eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons), which was only identified as a species in 2008, faces extinction in as little as 11 years due to rapid deforestation in its only habitat, according to research published [...]..
Work has already begun on a canal three times the length of Panama’s, which will cut through forests, wetlands, native reserves and a lake
Ice Age evidence suggests rising temperatures could boost areas of ocean water with little oxygen for life
When did the Anthropocene begin?
Michigan's bald eagles may be getting flame retardants from old couches and other discards
Biology paired with machines turns carbon dioxide back into fuel or other useful molecules
The Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite will provide a much-needed perspective on our home planet
How will climate change impact the source of much of California's water?
Researchers link volcanoes, tides and climate change
Editor's Note: This is a guest post from Will Sierzchula, a researcher who analyzes factors which influence the development and adoption of alternative fuel vehicles.
Emissions of carbon dioxide are changing the climate and natural factors like clouds may not help
Nepal has a lofty goal: The country wants to have at least 250 Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) within its borders by the year 2022. They've already made pretty amazing progress, growing the population from 121 in 2009 to 198 in 2013...
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