An Ingredient of Pot May Help People with Epilepsy
A new marijuana-derived drug may treat epileptic children, without the high
A new marijuana-derived drug may treat epileptic children, without the high
A medication designed to inhibit measleslike virus in infected ferrets shows promise
Treatment guidelines for the virus highlight the challenges of paying for expensive drugs in low-income countries
Researchers propose a new evolutionary reason for why many underfed lab animals live longer
A medical panel now suggests that bulk purchasing of the influenza drug Tamiflu, on which the U.S. has spent $1.5B, was a waste of money
Antibiotics have endangered our native microbiomes and left us increasingly vulnerable to modern diseases like obesity, diabetes, asthma and autism
An RNA-based treatment may stop the Ebola virus in its tracks
When young and middle-aged adults started showing up at the hospital with liver failure last spring, doctors in Hawaii struggled to find the thread that connected the patients.
Targeting a microRNA in liver cells could disable a silent killer
In my last blog post, I said one of the things I like so much about MedlinePlus (a service of the National Library of Medicine, or NLM) is that "the medical librarians at the NLM have already done a lot of the heavy lifting for you." I thought I'd give more detail about what I [...]..
Study raises questions over the use of chicken eggs to provide viral strains for flu vaccines.
A retrospective analysis of more than 100 failed drugs show that many should never have made it to clinical trials
Being an informed patient is, in many ways, tougher than ever. A tsunami of material is freely available on the Internet nowadays, from medical datasets to research papers to instructive videos...
Creative investments could fund a huge number of new drug-development projects
A new approach may help curb unnecessary prescriptions
It may not be marked on your calendar, but today, March 24 is World TB Day , created to remind people of the massive global health problem caused by tuberculosis.
Act I: An ounce of “prevention.” “Prevention is better than cure.” Aphorisms like this go back a long way. And most of our dramatic triumphs against disease come from prevention: clean water, making roads and workplaces safer, antiseptic routines in hospital, reducing smoking, immunization, stemming the spread of HIV...
Researchers find potential cures on the backs of sloths
Recent breakthroughs may lead to pharmacological treatments for the chromosomal disorder
Researchers aim to detect Alzheimer symptoms long before they appear by tweaking an existing medical tool to sleuth out misfolded proteins linked with the illness
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