Good Feelings in the Midst of Chronic Pain
Researchers have been slow to realize that happiness, excitement and calm can co-exist with physical agony
Researchers have been slow to realize that happiness, excitement and calm can co-exist with physical agony
22% of Americans are trying to reduce their sugar intake and more than half are trying to avoid artificial sweeteners like Equal and Splenda. What's the upshot?
Can certain foods really help you fight heart disease, arthritis and dementia?
Eye twitching is common. How do you know when it's benign and when it's a sign of something more serious?
A big data analysis involving more than 1.5 million patients could find no relationship between weather and complaints to doctors about joint or back pain.
Combining near-infrared light with ultrasound could let doctors image tumors with unprecedented accuracy
We don't actually know for sure, which should be a cause for concern
Every year the common virus is lethal to many. What happens inside the body that results in death?
Doctors that perform the procedure would risk both losing their medical licenses and a felony charge
Smell receptors in kidneys sniff out signals from gut bacteria for cues to moderate blood pressure
Following dietary guidelines would mean eating less meat and dairy—and fewer calories overall—reducing greenhouse gases and other pollution. Julia Rosen reports.
Biochemist Sylvia Tara talks about her book The Secret Life of Fat: The Science behind the Body's Least-Understood Organ and What It Means for You.
For thousands of years, women in agricultural societies seem to have had arms stronger than members of modern rowing teams.
Do salty foods make you hungrier? Or do they help you burn more calories? A new study finds that salt has unexpected effects on hunger and weight loss. Learn how this affects you
Vocal anatomy may be the reason so few languages use these sounds
Doctors shift toward personalized goals for glucose, cholesterol, and more
Poor-quality sleep may heighten behaviors including hyperactivity, compulsions and aggressiveness
It's winter time, and infection is certainly a cause of a sore throat. But what else can cause throat discomfort? What signs and symptoms should you be worried about? And when should you see your doctor?...
Mycoprotein is a plant-based source of protein you might not have heard much about. Here's the 411 on this alternative protein source
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