Lead-Trapping Coating Could Make Cheaper, More Efficient Solar Cell Viable
Pervoskite solar cells can produce more energy than their silicon counterparts but have risked leaching lead into the environment
Pervoskite solar cells can produce more energy than their silicon counterparts but have risked leaching lead into the environment
Energy decisions that India makes in the next few years could profoundly affect how hot the planet becomes this century
Hydrogen, produced from water by surplus electricity, could power industry and the grid
To meet its ambitious goal, the state will have to pull carbon from the atmosphere and tackle emissions from agriculture and landfills, a new report says
More agile solar and storage installations could help replace fossil fuel-burning peaker plants
Eerie images from the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster still haunt us 30 years later
Perovskite may be more efficient, and cheaper, than traditional silicon, but durability remains an issue
Such energy storage technology could help relieve congested transmission lines in places like Vermont
Fuel injection through Bunsen burner–inspired tubes could cut soot emissions
Charging more for electricity during peak hours could strain finances and negatively affect health for some disadvantaged populations
Brookline, Mass., recently became the first New England town to ban natural gas hookups in new construction
World-changing technologies that are poised to rattle the status quo
Money will be redirected to clean energy innovation, efficiency and renewables
Scientists and policy makers assess whether California’s utilities will have to regularly cut power over the next decade to lessen huge wildfires
While the frontrunners all want to reduce carbon emissions, their proposed policies vary on issues like nuclear power
Solar arrays placed in agricultural fields can benefit both energy and crop production
And the shifts in energy sources may be sharper than you think
More people moving into forested areas and an outmoded power grid also raise fire risk in California
An intentional blackout was aimed at keeping power equipment from sparking a wildfire
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