Constant Shifts between Mental States Mark a Signature of Consciousness
Both of two essential brain networks that switch roles—one is on when the other is off—shut down in unresponsive individuals
Both of two essential brain networks that switch roles—one is on when the other is off—shut down in unresponsive individuals
White matter, the insulation around our neural wiring, plays a critical role in acquiring knowledge
The answer depends on your personality
A study in infants adds to the debate about whether we come into the world prepped for higher cognitive abilities such as face recognition
Such children’s neural circuits do not transition properly from an active state to a resting one
We need to reexamine the idea of “objectivity” in research
What if consciousness is not something special that the brain does but is instead a quality inherent to all matter?
Most feral dogs that did not run away from humans were able to respond to hand cues about the location of food—even without training.
People attribute the lack of women in STEM fields to external factors but attribute the lack of men in helping professions to internal ones
A mouse study shows immune cells gobbling up the connections between memory-associated neurons
Just ask Schopenhauer
For those with developmental topographical disorientation, ordinary travel is extraordinarily difficult
Well more than 100 distinct sign languages exist worldwide, with each having features that made it possible for researchers to create an evolutionary tree of their lineages.
Some wolf pups will play fetch with a stranger, suggesting that an ability to playfully interact with people could have come before, and played a role in, dog domestication.
Some products of our imaginations seem to spring from sources beyond our everyday selves...
Free will must exist if some of us have more of it than others...
The first research center of its kind in the country is bringing renewed rigor to the investigation of the drugs’ therapeutic uses
Philosopher Philip Goff answers questions about “panpsychism”
Participants in a freewheeling exploration of nonmaterialist, mystical accounts of reality critique a journalist’s critique...
Rats learned to drive tiny cars as a model for acquiring new skills
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