Three Fixes to Build Energy Projects Cleaner and Faster
Modernize the way we regulate clean energy construction to reach net-zero carbon emission goals
Modernize the way we regulate clean energy construction to reach net-zero carbon emission goals
The announcement unleashes a flood of federal money to states for the construction of a national network of charging stations
In a world first, the National Ignition Facility has generated a “burning plasma,” a fusion reaction on the cusp of being self-sustaining
A novel method of recycling such batteries could help meet skyrocketing demand
Shipping delays and rising a equipment costs could hamper installations
Without legislation, the Biden administration will have to rely on executive action to slash carbon emissions
The program will be the nation’s largest attempt to reduce methane emissions from rotting food in landfills
The administration hopes to gain support for a bill to domestic semiconductor manufacturing
The global demand for the element could grow tenfold by 2030
Household energy programs will need to influence how people use energy
The incentives cover established sectors, such as wind and solar, as well as emerging technology, such as green hydrogen
In the run-up to major international climate negotiations, the fate of the Biden administration’s climate plans is uncertain
These huge construction projects can feature turbines taller than some skyscrapers
An environmental non-profit hopes to support development of wind power while protecting whales and fish
The Department of Energy wants devices that could be deployed to disaster areas that have lost electricity
The irony reveals the need for a greater mix of renewable energy sources
An ocean-powered buoy brings technology closer to the dream of obtaining energy from the sea
An energy expert explains why Japan—along with much of the rest of the world—is committing to the clean-burning fuel
The bipartisan legislation includes less funding for public transit and electric vehicles
Energy from neighboring states could have helped Texans survive their extreme winter storm
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