Russia-Ukraine Conflict Prompted U.S. to Develop Autonomous Drone Swarms, 1,000-Mile Cannon
The U.S. military has new technology on the drawing board in response to warfare trends previously demonstrated in the region
The U.S. military has new technology on the drawing board in response to warfare trends previously demonstrated in the region
A falsified video would be an update on the traditional use of propaganda campaigns during warfare
Direct system invasions are possible, but efforts to sow confusion and division are more likely
Tracking the missiles is like picking out one light bulb against a background of light bulbs, but new technology aims to see them more clearly
These novel missiles cannot live up to the grand promises made on their behalf, aerodynamics shows
U.S. adviser says “It is our duty to warn the public about this threat”
The continuing proliferation of atomic weapons threatens the safety of billions
Leaving the decision to strike to the president alone is dangerous
There are defensive, offensive and diplomatic options for averting conflicts in orbit
In an era of pandemics and climate change, we need to reconsider what “national security” means
The U.S. should require a second assent for a strike and pledge to never strike first
Nations racing to acquire weapons that choose their own targets are ignoring the apocalyptic scenarios that can unfold when rivals catch up
Experts warn that new technology makes it easier to covertly produce WMDs
Missiles designed to destroy incoming nuclear warheads fail frequently in tests and could increase global risk of mass destruction
Weapons that kill enemies on their own threaten civilians and soldiers alike
YouTube, Facebook and other sites are working together to find and delete extremist propaganda and recruiting videos, but a new study says they can do better
U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo arrives Friday for negotiations, but the photos suggest North Korea leader Kim Jong-un’s regime is increasing its missile-making capabilities...
Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft formed the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism last year to prevent terrorists from exploiting their services
Rising seas will ruin Kwajalein Atoll site where 1,300 work and live
Online video serves the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations as a powerful tool for recruiting new members and inciting violence. A potential fix remains curiously in limbo
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