What Makes a Mammal? 423,000 Newly Identified DNA Regions Guide Our Genes
These elements, dubbed “UNICORNs,” sit close to genes that affect smell, sleep and ways that people and other mammals interact with their surroundings
These elements, dubbed “UNICORNs,” sit close to genes that affect smell, sleep and ways that people and other mammals interact with their surroundings
California blackworms make a contribution to the math and physics of knot tying by demoing twisting motions that help them escape a tangled worm ball
A new bill in California proposes making electric vehicles a backup power source for the electric grid—an idea that has promise but has to overcome several technological hurdles, experts say...
The prevalence of autism and other developmental disorders is rising. Changing who teaches early-career pediatricians about these issues will negatively affect children’s health
New research attempts to discern how bizarre particles of strange matter form in the nuclei of atoms
A severe drought that has led to near-famine conditions in the Horn of Africa would not have happened without the influence of climate change, a new analysis finds
Very high HDL cholesterol levels almost double your risk of heart problems.
A federal ruling on the ACA is threatening lifesaving medical services and prioritizing anti-LGBTQ+ bias over scientific evidence
The laws of physics allow time travel. So why haven’t people become chronological hoppers?
Afghanistan’s rare and majestic woodlands can’t shake the echoes of war, desperation and poverty
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