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Scrubbing Carbon from the Sky
Can we remove enough CO2 from the atmosphere to slow or even reverse climate change?
Fossil-Fuel Subsidies Must End
Despite claims to the contrary, eliminating them would have a significant effect in addressing the climate crisis
Yes, Climate Change Did Influence Australia's Unprecedented Bushfires
Such an extreme fire season is at least 30 percent more likely because of global warming, a new analysis finds
A New Reality Up North
Climate change is dramatically altering life at the top of the world
Surrendering to Rising Seas
Coastal communities struggling to adapt to rising seas are beginning to do what was once unthinkable: retreat
Thawing Permafrost Would Accelerate Global Warming
Thawing Arctic tundra will likely speed up climate change for a century or more. The question is: How drastically?
Increasingly Acidic Oceans Are Causing Fish to Behave Badly
Ocean acidification may alter the behaviors of underwater creatures in disastrous ways
How Climate Change Is Making It Harder to Predict Outbreaks
Climate change is accelerating the spread of disease—and making it much harder to predict outbreaks
Threatened Forests Cannot Move, So Scientists Are Relocating Their Genes
Trees can't walk to a better place as climate worsens. So scientists are relocating helpful genes instead
7 Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense
Evidence for human interference with Earth’s climate continues to accumulate
Global Warming: How Hot, Exactly, Is It Going to Get?
The latest climate models are giving disturbing answers
This Was the Decade We Knew We Were Right
Everything is connected, and everything is changing
How to Set a Price on Carbon Pollution
A smart combination of math and policy choices can determine a practical tax that will cut CO2 emissions
"Positive Cities" Can Improve the Planet as Well as People's Lives
Urban areas can improve the planet as well as people's lives if we design them to be much more resourceful with energy, water, food and minerals
The Arctic Is Breaking Climate Records, Altering Weather Worldwide
The Arctic climate is shattering record after record, altering weather worldwide
Yes, Climate Change Is Making Severe Weather Worse
Recent disasters show how climate change is making winter storms, flooding rains and summer heat waves more extreme
Scientists Are Taking Extreme Steps to Help Corals Survive
Scientists are urgently transplanting, fertilizing and enhancing corals to help them adapt to warmer oceans, but rebuilding entire reefs will be daunting
U.S. Military Develops Strategies to Prevent Climate Wars
The U.S. military is taking steps to limit the chance that worsening droughts, rising seas and melting Arctic ice will hasten uprisings that threaten national interests
Without Government, the Marketplace Will Not Solve Climate Change
Whether or not the world reaches an international emissions agreement, the U.S. government holds the real solution